Dōkyūsei (video game series)

Dōkyūsei is an adult-themed dating sim series created by ELF Corporation. The original Dōkyūsei, originally released in 1992 for the NEC PC-9801 microcomputer, is generally considered to be the forerunner of the modern dating sim. It was followed by sequels: Dōkyūsei 2 and Kakyūsei, both of which were also very successful. There was a four-episode OAV made from Dōkyūsei, a 12-episode OAV was made from Dōkyūsei 2, and both an OAV and TV series from Kakyūsei. In 2004, ELF released the next in the series of games, Kakyūsei 2.
A Game Boy Color mahjong game with Dōkyūsei 1 characters called Jankyūsei was also created. The Dōkyūsei 2 expansion disk, Dōkyūsei 2 SP, was also made into an OVA, this expansion is also referred to as Sotsugyōsei.
Despite its title, most of the girl characters are not classmates of the main character.