
Cylichnidae, common name the "chalice bubble snails" or "canoe bubble snails" is a family of sea snails or bubble snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the superfamily Cylichnoidea.


2005 taxonomy

This family has been classified within the clade Cephalaspidea, itself belonging to the informal group Opisthobranchia. The family Cylichnidae has no subfamilies. Synonyms of Cylichnidae has included: Scaphandridae G. O. Sars, 1878; Tornatinidae P. Fischer, 1883; Acteocinidae Dall, 1913 and Triclidae Winckworth, 1932.

2009 taxonomy

Malaquias et al. have reinstated Scaphandridae as a valid family.


Genera within the family Cylichnidae include:
;Genera brought into synonymy: