Cycle of Life

Cycle of Life is a cycling expedition organised to raise awareness and funds for rural African communities in and around conservation areas.

The expedition

A team of cyclists will travel unsupported through the wilderness areas of the south and east of the should take the team a little under four months. The Cycle of Life expedition, in association with Artemis Fund Managers join the team in order to represent the rural African perspective on the issues encountered.
The team consists of Barty Pleydell-Bouverie, Jessica Hatcher, Chris Stephens and Craig Acquaye.

Money raised

The money raised by the Cycle of Life expedition will provide long-term funding to community development initiatives that promote sustainable use of wildlife resources. Many of these will be found at projects visited en route. Donations will be administered by the charity Tusk Trust. Tusk have supported community conservation projects, including many of those involved with the Cycle of Life, for many years. In addition, the expedition will work with the leading UK homelessness charity Centrepoint to give the opportunity to three young homeless individuals to experience life in Africa.

Royal support

is the Royal Patron of both Tusk and Centrepoint: