Cybersix (TV series)

Cybersix is a Japanese-Canadian animated television series based on an Argentine comic strip series of the same name written by Carlos Trillo. The series was produced by the Vancouver-based Network of Animation and animated in Japan by TMS Entertainment. Many of the comic's darker themes had to be toned down for the show in order to make it appropriate for all audiences. The series originally aired on Teletoon in Canada, Fox Kids in the United States, Kids Station in Japan and Telefe in Argentina.
The show is about a leather-clad female android who works as a teacher during the day, and fights against the scientist who created her at night.
The music for the series was composed by Robbi Finkel. Its opening and ending songs were composed by Finkel with lyrics by Robert Olivier and sung by jazz vocalist Coral Egan. On May 6, 2000 Cybersix won "Best Animated Production" and "Best Overall Sound of an Animated Production" at the Leo Awards. On April 28, 2001, the series won "Special Mention for the Best Science Fiction Program" at the Pulcinella Awards in Italy for that year's competition.


Each had a production budget of $360,000 USD. The series was cancelled after the first season due to low ratings outside of Canada and conflicts with the studio, most notablely TMS Entertainment focusing on its own productions rather than outsourcing animation to other studios, because by the early 2000s, TMS has no longer supplied animation services to western studios due to increasingly demanding costs.


Home video releases

The series was released in English on DVD in North America by Discotek Media on 26 August 2014. The box set features commentary by Cathy Weseluck and Brady Hartel on episodes 1 and 13, liner notes on episode 4 and 11, textless opening and ending animations, as well as the television pilot.