Cut of beef

During butchering, beef is first divided into primal cuts, pieces of meat initially separated from the carcass. These are basic sections from which steaks and other subdivisions are cut. The term "primal cut" is quite different from "prime cut", used to characterize cuts considered to be of higher quality. Since the animal's legs and neck muscles do the most work, they are the toughest; the meat becomes tenderer as distance from hoof and horn increases. Different countries and cuisines have different cuts and names, and sometimes use the same name for a different cut; e.g., the cut described as "brisket" in the US is from a significantly different part of the carcass than British "brisket". "Cut" often refers narrowly to skeletal muscle, but can also include other edible flesh, such as offal or bones without significant muscles attached.

American cuts

The following is a list of the American primal cuts, and cuts derived from them. Beef carcasses are split along the axis of symmetry into "halves", then across into front and back "quarters". Canada uses identical cut names as the U.S, with the exception of the "round" which is called the "hip".

Forequarter cuts

The most important cuts of beef in the Argentine cuisine are:
; Asado : the large section of the rib cage including short ribs and spare ribs
; Asado de tira : often translated as short ribs, but also sold as long, thin strips of ribs. Chuck ribs, flanken style.
; Bife de costilla : T-bone or porterhouse steaks
; Bife de chorizo : strip steak, called NY strip in US
; Ojo de bife : ribeye steak
; Bola de lomo : eye of the round
; Chinchulín : upper portion of small intestines
; Colita de cuadril : tri-tip, or the tail of the rump roast
; Cuadril : rump
; Entraña : skirt steak
; Falda : navel
; Lomo : tenderloin
; Matambre : a long thin cut that lies just under the skin and runs from the lower part of the ribs to belly–or flank area
; Mollejas : sweetbreads
; Pecho : brisket
; Riñones : kidneys
; Tapa de asado : rib cap
; Tapa de nalga : top of round roast
; Vacío : flank, though it may contain the muscles of other near cuts

Brazilian cuts

The most important cuts of beef in the Brazilian cuisine are:
; Acém : neck
; Alcatra : top/bottom sirloin
; Contrafilé : tenderloin
; Coxão duro : round
; Coxão mole : round
; Filé Mignon : part of the tenderloin
; Lagarto : round
; Maminha : bottom sirloin/flank
; Patinho : confluence of flank, bottom sirloin and rear shank
; Picanha : rump cover or rump cap
; Cupim : hump
; Fraldinha: confluence of short loin, flank and bottom sirloin
; Paleta : chuck/brisket

British cuts

  1. Basses côtes
  2. Côtes, entrecôtes
  3. Faux-filet
  4. Filet
  5. Rumsteck
  6. Rond de gîte
  7. Tende de tranche; poire, merlan
  8. Gîte à la noix
  9. Araignée
  10. Plat de tranche, rond de tranche, mouvant
  11. Bavette d'aloyau
  12. Hampe
  13. Onglet
  14. Aiguillette baronne
  15. Bavette de flanchet
  16. Plat de côtes
  17. Macreuse à bifteck
  18. Paleron
  19. Jumeau à bifteck
  20. Jumeau à pot-au-feu
  21. Macreuse à pot-au-feu
  22. Queue
  23. Gîte
  24. Flanchet
  25. Tendron, milieu de poitrine
  26. Gros bout de poitrine
  27. Collier
  28. Plat de joue
  29. Langue

    German cuts

  30. Rinderhals, Kamm or Nacken
  31. Querrippe
  32. Rinderbrust
  33. Hochrippe or Fehlrippe
  34. Vorderrippe or hohes Roastbeef
  35. Rostbraten or flaches Roastbeef
    5. & 6. together are the Roastbeef or Zwischenrippenstück
  36. Filet
  37. Spannrippe or Knochendünnung
  38. Dünnung or Bauchlappen
  39. Falsches Filet, Schulter, Bug or Schaufel
  40. Oberschale, Unterschale and Nuss
  41. Flanke, Schliem or Rindfleisch
  42. Hüfte mit Hüftsteak and Schwanzstück or Tafelspitz )
  43. Hesse or Wade
  44. Fricandeau
  45. Schwanz or Ochsenschwanz

    Croatian cuts

  46. Vratina
  47. Hrskavi zapećak
  48. Rebra
  49. Pržolica
  50. Hrbat
  51. Hrbat
  52. Pisana pečenka
  53. Rebra, mekana rebra, potrbušina
  54. Masna potrbušina, slabina
  55. Rame, plećka
  56. But
  57. Vrh kuka
  58. Zdjelica
  59. Stražnja goljenica

    Italian cuts

; Leg subcuts
; Sirloin subcuts
; Loin
; Neck
; Head subcuts
; Shoulder subcuts
; Hocks subcuts
; Petto subcuts
; Lower ribs subcuts
; Pancia subcuts

Polish cuts

  1. karkówka
  2. szponder
  3. mostek
  4. rozbratel
  5. antrykot
  6. rostbef
  7. polędwica
  8. szponder i mostek
  9. łata
  10. łopatka
  11. udziec
  12. skrzydło
  13. krzyżowa
  14. pręga
  15. ligawa
  16. ogon

    Portuguese cuts

  17. Cachaço
  18. Coberta do acém, acém comprido
  19. Pá, peito alto
  20. Maçã do peito
  21. Peito
  22. Chambão
  23. Mão
  24. Lombo
  25. Rosbife, acém redondo, vazia, entrecôte
  26. Prego do peito
  27. Aba grossa
  28. Alcatra
  29. Chã de fora
  30. Rabadilha
  31. Pojadouro

    Russian cuts

  32. :ru:Шея |Шея/Sheya
  33. Рёбра/rjobra
  34. Челышко/Chelyshko, грудинка/grudinka
  35. Толстый край/Tolstyy kray, рибай/ribay, корейка на кости/koreyka na kosti
  36. Тонкий край/Tonkiy kray, короткое филе/korotkoye file
  37. Оковалок/Okovalok
  38. :ru:Вырезка |Вырезка/Vyrezka
  39. Покромка/Pokromka
  40. Брюшина/Bryushina, фланк/flank
  41. Лопатка/Lopatka
  42. :ru:Огузок|Oguzok, :ru:Бедро |bedro
  43. Пашина/Pashina
  44. Кострец/Kostrets
  45. Голяшка/Golyashka

    Turkish cuts

; Gerdan : neck
; Antrikot : rib steak
; Kontrfile : Steak
; Sokum : rump
; Bonfile : fillet Steak
; Tranç : the upper left side of nuar
; Nuar : round of beef
; Kontrnuar : the lower left side of nuar
; incik : mutton leg
; Yumurta : the section between kontrnuar and pençata
; Pençata : flank
; Döş : brisket
; Kürek, kol : shoulder

UNECE standard for bovine meat carcasses and cuts

The UNECE standard offer for the first time internationally agreed specifications written in a consistent, detailed and accurate manner using anatomical names to identify cutting lines.