Cultural sensitivity

Cross-cultural sensitivity is the knowledge, awareness, and acceptance of other cultures. On the individual level, it allows travelers and workers to successfully navigate a different culture that they are interacting with whereas it is considered one of the primary factors that drive the way organizations behave.


Support of cultural sensitivity is based on ideological or practical considerations.
Former Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan advocates cultural sensitivity as an essential value in the modern world:
Cultural sensitivity can increase the security of travellers because it helps them see things from the other person's perspective. Lacking awareness of foreign cultures can also have adverse legal consequences. There are, for example etiquettes in a country that are considered violations of business codes in another.
For workers, this cross-cultural sensitivity can lead to competitiveness and success when working with or within organizations located in a different country. Experts stressed that this is a prime requisite for the satisfied expatriate. These benefits are highlighted in the way this concept is defined. It is concerned with the consideration of how two societies and cultures operate, particularly with respect to how they are similar and different from each other. Being able to determine these in terms of thoughts, behavior, beliefs, and expressions among others makes it possible to solve problems meaningfully and act in a manner that is acceptable to all stakeholders.
Cultural sensitivity can have positive effects in academia. In 2002 Unity College, Murray Bridge, began a Student Exchange Program with Chuo University Suginami High School in Tokyo, Japan. This program has been successful because of the both schools' focus on cross cultural awareness.
Cultural sensitivity training in health care providers can improve the satisfaction and health outcomes of patients from different minority groups.