Critical Gameplay

Critical Gameplay is a video game developer, founded in 2009 by game developer Lindsay Grace.

List of games

Each of the following games was developed under rapid prototyping constraints, by a single developer, designer and artist for the Critical Gameplay exhibition. Each game was developed in a weekend and then tweaked over a week. As such the games are developed under a more independent development model. The games return to the romantic notion of a lone-developer making a game late into the night.
The games listed are a subset of the Critical Gameplay collection which is an evolving collection of game notions.
The games are aesthetically designed to mimic characteristics of the game mechanics within their historical context. Each is designed to critique a specific gameplay mechanic from that year’s standards.


Their first exhibition of Critical Gameplay was done in April 17, 2009 on West Cermak Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, US.
Their second exhibition was on September 22, 2009 at Digital Expo on Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, US
The third exhibition was done on October/November 2009 at the annual Symposium of the Special Commission of Games and Digital Entertainment of the Computing Brazilian Society on Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The fourth exhibition was done on October, 2009 on ACE2009 Creative Exhibition in Athens, Greece.
Their last exhibition on 2009 was on International Digital Media and Art Association’s 7th Annual conference on Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.


University of Twente, Bad Boekelo, Enschede, Netherlands