Crime in Portugal

Portugal's security and peace indicators compare very favourably to other countries. According to the 2017 Global Peace Index rankings, Portugal is the 3rd most peaceful country in the world. Crime in Portugal is combated by the Portuguese police and other agencies.

Crime by type


In 2016, Portugal had a murder rate of 0.6 per 100,000 population. There were a total of 63 murders in Portugal in 2016.


’s Global Corruption Barometer 2013 reveals that political parties, Parliament, the judiciary and the military are the most corrupt institutions in Portugal.

Organized crime

Portugal became a destination for several thousand emigrants from diverse locations around the globe.
With the development and modernization of the economy within the globalization process, corporate crime, financial crime, and corruption are heavily punished and increasingly important issues.


Pickpockets and purse snatchers are present in crowded popular tourist sites, restaurants, or on public transportation in the largest cities, in particular within Lisbon and Porto metropolitan areas. While thieves may operate anywhere, the largest number of reports of theft received by the authorities usually are from the heavily populated areas and major tourist destinations.

By location

Portugal's largest metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto are the main sources of both petty crime and violent crime.
Other cities where some violent crime can happen are Aveiro, Braga and Coimbra.
Regions such as Setúbal, Alentejo and Ribatejo are the safest zones next to Lisbon with a really low crime compared to the Capital.

Crime dynamics

The crime rate rose in the 1990s, bringing it to an all-time high during much of this period. It still is low compared to other developed countries and has decreased in the 2000s. Violent crime rose during the same period and reached record highs. Portugal's security and peace indicators compare very favourably to other countries. According to the 2017 Global Peace Index rankings, Portugal is the 3rd most peaceful country in the world.


Victims of a crime must report to the nearest police department. The national telephone emergency number is 112, which is used in the entire European Union. The law enforcement system assists the victim to find appropriate medical care, contact family members or friends and explain how further legal procedures could be used.
Although the investigation and prosecution of the crime is the responsibility of local authorities which include main police forces such as the Polícia Judiciária, the Polícia de Segurança Pública, and the Guarda Nacional Republicana, officers can help the victim to understand the criminal justice process and to find an attorney if needed. Portugal has a crime victim's assistance program, administered through an organization known by its acronym, "APAV".

Tolerance of drugs

Portugal has arguably the most liberal laws concerning possession of illicit drugs in the Western world. In 2001 Portugal decriminalized possession of effectively all drugs that are still illegal in other developed nations including, but not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and LSD. Although, while drug consumption isn't a crime, it is considered an illness and the people who have drugs are, in most cases, forced to have a therapy. While possession is not a crime, trafficking and possession of more than "10 days worth of personal use" are still punishable by jail time and fines.