Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum

Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum is an international project with the goal to publish all existing Etruscan bronze mirrors. The first three volumes were published in 1981. A total of thirty-six fascicles has been produced.


The first major systematic study of Etruscan mirror was Eduard Gerhard's Etruskische Spiegel. The work consists of five volumes published between 1843 and 1897. In 1973 a decision was made to make a new publication that could replace Gerhard's outdated work.

Current Volumes





Deutsche Demokratische Republik
Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Great Britain

Hungary and Czechoslovakia

1. CSE Hongrie, Tchécoslovaquie. J.G. Szilágyi and Jan Bouzek. 1992.


The Netherlands


1. CSE Polonia 1. Witold Dobrowolski. 2020.

Sweden and Norway

1. CSE Sweden and Norway 1. Oslo, Göteborg, Lund, Mora, Stockholm, Private Collections. Ingela M.B. Wiman. 2018.


1. CSE Schweiz 1. Basel, Schaffhausen, Bern, Lausanne. Ines Jucker. 2001.


Vatican City

1. CSE Stato della Città del Vaticano 1. Città del Vaticano, Museo Profano della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana; Rome, Collezione di antichità dell'Abbazia di San Paolo fuori le mura. Roger Lambrechts. 1995.