Copy (command)

In computing, copy is a command in various operating systems. The command copies computer files from one directory to another.


Generally, the command copies files from one location to another. It is used to make copies of existing files, but can also be used to combine multiple files into target files. The destination defaults to the current working directory. If multiple source files are indicated, the destination must be a directory, or an error will result. The command can copy in text mode or binary mode; in text mode, copy will stop when it reaches the EOF character; in binary mode, the files will be concatenated in their entirety, ignoring EOF characters.
Files may be copied to devices. For example, copy file con outputs file to the screen console. Devices themselves may be copied to a destination file, for example, copy con file takes the text typed into the console and puts it into FILE, stopping when EOF is typed.


The command is available in DEC RT-11, RSX-11, OS/8, Intel ISIS-II, iRMX 86, DEC TOPS-10, TOPS-20, OpenVMS, MetaComCo TRIPOS, Heath Company HDOS, Zilog Z80-RIO, Microware OS-9, DOS, DR FlexOS, IBM/Toshiba 4690 OS, TSL PC-MOS, HP MPE/iX, IBM OS/2, Microsoft Windows, ReactOS, SymbOS and DexOS.
The copy command is supported by Tim Paterson's SCP 86-DOS. Under IBM PC DOS/MS-DOS it is available since version 1. A more advanced copy command is called xcopy.
The equivalent Unix command is cp, the CP/M command is PIP.
The command is analogous to the Stratus OpenVOS copy_file command.

Example for DOS

copy letter.txt
Files may be copied to device files. It can also copy files between different disk drives.
There are two command-line switches to modify the behaviour when concatenating files:
copy /a doc1.txt + doc2.txt doc3.txt
copy /a *.txt doc3.txt
copy /b image1.jpg + image2.jpg image3.jpg