Cooper test

The Cooper test is a test of physical fitness. It was designed by Kenneth H. Cooper in 1968 for US military use.
where d12 is distance covered in 12 minutes, alternatively
where d12 is distance covered in 12 minutes,
The following is an example of the many tables that exist for the test:
13-14M> 2700 m2400 - 2700 m2200 - 2399 m2100 - 2199 m< 2100 m
13-14F> 2000 m1900 - 2000 m1600 - 1899 m1500 - 1599 m< 1500 m
15-16M> 2800 m2500 - 2800 m2300 - 2499 m2200 - 2299 m< 2200 m
15-16F> 2100 m2000 - 2100 m1700 - 1999 m1600 - 1699 m< 1600 m
17-19M> 3000 m2700 - 3000 m2500 - 2699 m2300 - 2499 m< 2300 m
17-19F> 2300 m2100 - 2300 m1800 - 2099 m1700 - 1799 m< 1700 m
20-29M> 2800 m2400 - 2800 m2200 - 2399 m1600 - 2199 m< 1600 m
20-29F> 2700 m2200 - 2700 m1800 - 2199 m1500 - 1799 m< 1500 m
30-39M> 2700 m2300 - 2700 m1900 - 2299 m1500 - 1899 m< 1500 m
30-39F> 2500 m2000 - 2500 m1700 - 1999 m1400 - 1699 m< 1400 m
40-49M> 2500 m2100 - 2500 m1700 - 2099 m1400 - 1699 m< 1400 m
40-49F> 2300 m1900 - 2300 m1500 - 1899 m1200 - 1499 m< 1200 m
50+M> 2400 m2000 - 2400 m1600 - 1999 m1300 - 1599 m< 1300 m
50+F> 2200 m1700 - 2200 m1400 - 1699 m1100 - 1399 m< 1100 m


For practical use, precise monitoring presents a challenge. Not all military bases have a running track, and tracking soldiers' laps and positions after 12 minutes is difficult. Testing is easier to administer when the distance is fixed and the finishing time measured. In his original book, Dr. Cooper also provided an alternate version of the test, based on the time to complete a 1.5 mile run.
Most armies and police agencies of the world use a fixed distance. This is not exactly a Cooper test but a reasonable practical compromise as long as the distance is of sufficient length to put a continuous load on the cardiovascular system for 10+ minutes. For example, the British Army uses 1.5 miles, the Australian Army uses 2.4 kilometers, the US Army uses 2 miles and the US Marine Corps 3 miles. For each base the course is measured and local corrections applied. Soldiers are sent off in waves, and timed over the finish line by some PTIs with a stopwatch.
For personal trainers, the Cooper Test, when carried out on a treadmill, is a reliable and repeatable method for measuring a client's progress.
As a standard test this test should to be performed only under standard conditions:
The test is not considered to be useful for untrained pupils at all.

Use of Cooper Test for football referees

Cooper test was one of the most commonly used fitness tests to measure the fitness levels of both amateur and professional football referees; including referees from the FA. However, in recent times, many countries have decided to abort the use of the Cooper Test. They claim that the Cooper test does not relate to a real football match, where players run short sprints rather than at a regular pace, and therefore, does not truly indicate if a referee will be able to perform well in a football match. As such, all FIFA referees are now required to pass the HI Intensity Fitness Test. Many countries are slowly requiring some of their top National officials to do the HI Intensity Fitness Test as well. Lower level referees are often given a choice to either perform the HI Intensity Fitness Test or the Cooper Test. Nevertheless, the recent trend seems to indicate that the Cooper Test is slowly being phased out.