Cooley Mountains

The Cooley Mountains are located on the Cooley Peninsula in northeast County Louth in Ireland. They consist of two ridges oriented northwest to southeast, separated by the valley of Glenmore with the Big River running through it.
Slieve Foy at 588 metres is the highest peak on the eastern ridge and the highest peak in County Louth. The ridge rises at The Foxes Rock, and runs for roughly 6 km in a southeasterly direction to the town of Carlingford, County Louth. Two other mountains in the Cooley mountains are locally known as Maeves Gap and Paddys top. Maeves Gap received its name from the Legendary Queen Maeve who led her Armies through this area.
The highest hill in the eastern ridge is Clermont Carn.
Also the mythological home of Hurling game as told in the Táin Bó Cúailnge, when Setanta traveled through these mountains hitting his sliothar before him on his way to Emain Macha, this feat is re-enacted every year in the All-Ireland Poc Fada Championship which takes place on Annaverna Mountain.