
Cookardinia is a locality in the Riverina region of New South Wales, Australia. The locality is south of the regional city of Wagga Wagga and east of the town of Henty. Its surrounding area has an approximate population of 283 persons.
The place name Cookardinia is derived from the local Aboriginal word meaning "the place of the giant kingfisher" - probably a reference to the Kookaburra and hence the phonetic similarity of the start of each word.
Only several small buildings remain, including the old 'Buckaringa' woolshed on the Cookardinia - Henty road and the Memorial Hall built in 1925.
On the intersection of the Henty, Culcairn and Holbrook roads can be seen the ruins of the Squatter's Arms Inn which was built in 1848.
The Squatter's Arms Inn closed its doors to official trading in 1925 but then was briefly restored internally when it featured in the 1976 filming of Mad Dog Morgan, starring Dennis Hopper.
Cookardinia Post Office opened on 1 December 1873 and closed in 1976.
