Contigo (political party)

Contigo is a Right-wing party in Peru.
In February 2019, Peruanos Por el Kambio, the party that had led Pedro Pablo Kuczynski to the presidency in 2016, and that in theory, served as the official government party of Martín Vizcarra's government, declared itself in reorganization and announced the creation of a party assembly to evaluate a probable name change. Kuczynski himself presented his irrevocable resignation to the presidency of PpK on February 4, 2019.
Shortly after the announcement of reorganization of the party, nine of the eleven PpK congressmen met at the Government Palace with President Vizcarra and the members of the Council of Ministers, and agreed to continue supporting the government. It could be seen that the PpK bench had been divided into two factions: a majority, headed by Jorge Melendez and Sergio Davila, who wanted to continue supporting the government completely; and another, commanded by Violeta and Sheput, supported by what was left of the game, which aimed to break with Vizcarra.
On March 2, 2019, the PPK party assembly agreed to change its name to Contigo. They also made official the admission of Juan Sheput which until then had only been extended an invitation.