Constitution of Quebec

The constitution of Quebec comprises a set of legal rules that arise from the follow categories:
The Parliament of Quebec has the power to modify certain parts of Quebec’s provincial constitution, while certain other parts can only be modified by going through the process of amending the Constitution of Canada.

Fundamental text

Quebec has on several occasions discussed the possibility of gathering the scattered elements making up its constitution into a single text of law, but never went forward. During the 1969 National assizes of the Estates General of French Canada, the Quebec delegates adopted a resolution proposing that "Quebecers give themselves a written constitution."
More recently, in his speech before the 2007 congress of the Association québécoise de droit constitutionnel, former Liberal Minister of Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs Benoît Pelletier stated:
"One of the first questions to answer naturally pertains to the content of a future fundamental text of law which Quebec could adopt. In 2001, the committee I chaired listed some possible elements for a consolidation of the fundamental rules governing Quebec. Generally speaking, our committee suggested that such a document could contain all the elements, currently dispersed, which form the material constitution of Quebec."
This "material constitution" could include, according to Pelletier:
On October 18, 2007, constitutional law professor and Parti Québécois opposition MNA Daniel Turp introduced Bill 196, a proposed Quebec Constitution, into the National Assembly. The bill did not pass the first reading.