Constantina Zavitsanos

Constantina Zavitsanos is a conceptual feminist artist. Their works are organized around themes of planning, contingency, debt, dependency and care. Zavitsanos is a part of disability community as a care provider and recipient. They live in New York City and teach at The New School.


Zavitsanos is a graduate of Millersville University, where they received a B.F.A., and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, where they received an M.F.A.


Zavitsanos has had many exhibitions. These include:
Zavitsanos has participated in several artist residencies. In March–September 2015, Zavitsanos held a residency at The New Museum, where they curated a series of collaborative events with artists Reina Gossett, Park McArthur, Caroline Key, and Soyoung Yoon, and academics Stefano Harney, Fred Moten, and Denise Ferreira da Silva. In 2017, they and collaborator Amalle Dubon participated in the Engaged Social Justice Residency Program at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
They are a recipient of the 2015 Wynn Newhouse Award presented to disabled artists.

Notable works