Conspiracy For Good

Conspiracy For Good is a Los Angeles-based company specializing in locative gaming, long form narrative, branding and advertising, with an emphasis on "disruptive story-telling for brands" that invites audiences to participate inside a story and do good in the world through creative partnerships with charities and NGO's. The company was founded by Hollywood TV writer Tim Kring and has consulted brands, entertainment studios and ad agencies for over 10 years.
The company launched its first campaign with The company P and Nokia in 2010, where London witnessed the launch of the Conspiracy For Good, a radical new form of entertainment called "Social Benefit Storytelling," which allowed for people to participate inside a fictional story... to do real good in the real world.
The pilot spanned the globe with over 9 million views worldwide and culminated with 4 weeks of live events and gameplay in London streets.
As a result, the Conspiracy For Good succeeded in building/stocking 5 libraries in Africa, funding 50 scholarships for schoolgirls and generating over 10,000 books for the Zambian libraries through
On February 22, 2011 the Conspiracy For Good was nominated for an International Digital Emmy® Award. The project won Best Cross-platform and Best Interactive awards at the :Banff World Media Festival in 2011.
Since 2017, Conspiracy for Good has been featured as a curator of charities in the ChangeUp mobile donation app on iOS and Android.  The Conspiracy for Good name is trademarked around the world.