Conseil des écoles fransaskoises

The Conseil des écoles fransaskoises is a school division in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Primarily serving the Fransaskois community, is the only French-language school division in the province. CÉF is a hybrid division, both public and Roman Catholic. It operates 14 elementary and secondary schools throughout the province.
CÉF was created in 1995. In that year, it had 890 students, growing to 1,769 students in 2018–19. It has schools in Gravelbourg, Ponteix, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, Regina, Zenon Park, North Battleford, Vonda, Bellegarde, Bellevue, and Prince Albert.
In locations not served by one of the division’s schools, students learn by distance education through either live videoconferencing sessions or web-based courses.