Comparison of Linux distributions

Technical variations of Linux distributions include support for different hardware devices and systems or software package configurations. Organisational differences may be motivated by historical reasons. Other criteria include security, including how quickly security upgrades are available; ease of package management; and number of packages available.
These tables compare notable distribution's latest stable release on wide-ranging objective criteria. It does not cover each operating system's subjective merits, branches marked as unstable or beta, nor compare Linux distributions with other operating systems.


The table below shows general information about the distributions: creator or producer, release date, the latest version, etc.
Linux distributions endorsed by the Free Software Foundation are marked 100% Free under the System distribution commitment column.
DistributionFounderMaintainerInitial release yearCurrent stable versionSecurity updates Release dateSystem distribution commitmentForked fromTarget audienceCostStatus
Alpine LinuxAlpine Linux TeamAlpine Linux Team3.12.0LEAF Projectsecurity, lightweight, general
ALT LinuxALT Linux TeamALT Linux Team, ALT Linux LLC9.0Mandrake Linuxgeneral, school
antiXAnticapitalistaAnticapitalista19Debian, MEPISold computers
ArchBangWillensky AristideStan McLaren2011RollingRollingArch Linux general
Arch LinuxJudd Vinetdev teamRollingRollingRollingIndependent, inspired from CRUXgeneral
BLAGBrixton Linux Action GroupBrixton Linux Action Group140kFedoradesktop
Bodhi LinuxBodhi Linux TeamBodhi Linux Team5.1.0Debian, Ubuntudesktop, lightweight
CanaimaCANTV / CNTI / CENTIDEL / Edelca / VIT / FUNDACITE / Free software communityCANTV / CNTI / CENTIDEL / Edelca / VIT / FUNDACITE / Free software community6.0Debian, UbuntuGovernment of Venezuela
CentOSCentOS ProjectCentOS Project8.2-200410 yearsRed Hat Enterprise Linux server, workstation
ChakraJan Mette and Arch Linux KDEmod developersThe Chakra Project TeamRollingRollingArch Linuxdesktop
Chrome OSSundar PichaiGoogle200975.0.3770.1296.5 years2019-07-09Chromium OSweb applications
ClearOSPeter BaldwinClearFoundation7.6.0RHEL, CentOSserver, gateway, network
CrunchBang LinuxPhilip NewboroughPhilip Newborough11Debiandesktop
Damn Small LinuxJohn Andrewsdev team4.4.10Debian, Knoppixlightweight, portable
DebianIan MurdockDebian Project10.4~3 years Softlanding Linux System general, server, desktop
Debian EduDebian Project10.3~3 yearsDebianschools
DevuanThe "Veteran Unix Admins" The "Veteran Unix Admins" 2.1Debiangeneral
DeepinWuhan Deepin Technology Co., Ltd.Wuhan Deepin Technology Co., Ltd.15.11Debian, Ubuntu, Morphixgeneral
Dragora GNU/Linux-LibreMatias A. FonzoMatias A. Fonzo3.0-beta1Independent, inspired from Slackwaregeneral
Elementary OSDaniel Foréelementary LLC5.1.2Ubuntu, Debiangeneral
ELinOSSYSGOSYSGO6.2embedded systems
Emdebian GripEmbedded Debian ProjectEmbedded Debian Project3.1End-of-lifeDebianembedded systems
EndeavourOSBryan PoerwoatmodjoEndeavourOSRollingRolling2019-07-15Arch Linuxgeneral
FedoraFedora ProjectFedora Project321 yearRed Hat Linuxgeneral, Inc.PC/OpenSystems LLC6.0Ubuntudesktop
Gentoo LinuxDaniel RobbinsGentoo Foundation, Inc.RollingRollingRollingEnoch Linuxgeneral
Guix SystemLudovic CourtèsLudovic Courtès, Ricardo Wurmus, the Guix community1.1.0Rollinggeneral
gNewSenseBrian Brazil and Paul O'MalleySam Geeraerts with sponsorship from the FSF4.0 Debiangeneral, server
GrmlMichael ProkopThe Grml Team2018.12Debianlive, maintenance, security, network, forensic, accessibility
Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libreHyperbola FoundersHyperbola Founders0.33 years, 5 years Arch Linuxgeneral
Kali LinuxMax Moser, Mati Aharoni, Martin J. MuenchOffensive Security2020.2Debianauditing, forensic, security, network
KnoppixKlaus Knopperdev team8.6Debianlive
KodibuntuThe XBMC ProjectTeam KodiDebian, Ubuntumultimedia
KororaChris SmartDev Team26Fedoradesktop
LibreCMCLibreCMC teamLibreCMC team1.4.8Merged from LibreWRTembedded systems
LinspireLinspire, Inc.Linspire, Inc.8.7Ubuntu
Linux MintClement Lefebvredev team20~3 years ; 5 years Debian, Ubuntu desktop
Linux LiteJerry BezenconLinux Lite Team20125.02020-05-31Ubuntudesktop
MageiaMageia Communitymageia.org7.11 yearMandriva Linuxgeneral
Mandriva LinuxMandrakesoft S.A.Mandriva S.A.2011Red Hat Linuxgeneral
Manjaro LinuxRoland Singerdev teamRollingRollingRollingArch Linuxgeneral
MEPISWarren WoodfordMEPIS LLC11.9.90Debiandesktop, server
Musix GNU+LinuxMusix teamMusix team3.0.1Debianmultimedia
NetrunnerBlue Systemsdev team20.01as per DebianDebiandesktop
NixOSEelco Dolstra and Armijn HemelNixOS Foundation19.090.5 yearsgeneral, server, desktop
Novell Open Enterprise ServerNovellNovell, Inc. dev teamOES 2018 SP1SUSE Linux Enterprise Serverserver
OpenELECStephan Raue, OpenELEC TeamOpenELEC Team8.0.4Kodimultimedia
openSUSESUSE LinuxopenSUSE ProjectLeap 15.23 yearsSLS/Slackwaregeneral, desktop
OpenWrtOpenWrt team18.06.4embedded systems
OpenMandriva LxOpenMandriva AssociationOpenMandriva Association4.1Mandriva Linuxgeneral
Oracle LinuxOracle CorporationOracle Corporation8.1Red Hat Enterprise Linux server
Parabola GNU/Linux-libreParabola HackersParabola HackersRollingRollingArch Linuxgeneral
PardusScientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TÜBİTAK19.1Gentoo
ParsixAlan BaghumianParsix Project8.15Debiandesktop
Parted MagicPatrick VernerParted Magic LLC.2019_12_24-live, maintenance
PCLinuxOSBill Reynoldsdev team2019.06Semi-rollingMandriva Linuxdesktop
Pop! OSCarl RitchellSystem7620.04 LTS2 years for LTS releases.
2-3 months after the next release for other releases.
Ubuntudesktop, laptop
PentooMichael Zanetta, Rick Farina, Jens PranaitisPentoo2019.1Gentoo Linuxauditing, security
PorteusFanthomPorteus4.0Slackwarelightweight, portable
Puppy LinuxBarry KaulerPuppy Foundation8.0Independent, inspired from Vector linuxlightweight, portable
PureOSTodd WeaverPurism9.0RollingDebiangeneral, security, privacy
Qubes OSJoanna RutkowskaInvisible Things Lab4.0.3Xen and Fedorasecurity by compartmentalization, desktop
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Red HatRed Hat8.210 yearsRed Hat Linux, Fedoraserver, workstation
Red Hat LinuxRed HatRed Hat92003-03-31server, workstation
ROSALLC NTC IT ROSAR112019-03-15Mandrivaserver, general
Rocks Cluster DistributionUCSD Supercomputing Center, ClustercorpUCSD Supercomputing Center, Clustercorp7.02015-12-01Red Hat Linuxserver, workstation
Sabayon LinuxFabio Erculianidev team19.032019-03-31Gentoo Linuxgeneral
Salix OSCyrille Pontvieux, George Vlahavas, Pierrick Le Brun, Thorsten MühlfelderSalix team14.2Slackwaregeneral
Scientific LinuxCERN, Fermilabdev team7.62018-12-03Red Hat Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux server, workstation
SlackwarePatrick Volkerdingdev team14.22016-06-30Softlanding Linux System general
SlaxTomas MatejicekTomas Matejicek9.9.1Debian, Slackware live
SliTaz GNU/LinuxChristophe Lincolndev teamRollingRollingIndependentportable
SolusIkey Dohertydev teamRollingRollingdesktop
SolydXKArjen Balfoortdev team201902Debian packages as per DebianDebiandesktop
SparkyLinuxSparky Linux team5.10.1Debiangeneral, video games
Source Mage GNU/LinuxRyan Abrams, Eric Schabelldev team0.62-11Sorcerergeneral
SteamOSValveValve2.195Debianvideo games
SUSE Linux EnterpriseSUSESUSE15SP213 years per version2020-07-21Common code base for x86-64, Power, System z, Arm64Slackware, Jurixedge, workstation, server, supercomputer
TailsTails Development Team4.82020-06-30Debiansecurity-focused aimed for anonymity and privacy
Tiny Core LinuxRobert ShingledeckerTeam Tiny Core11.0Independent, inspired from Damn Small Linuxportable
Trisquel GNU/LinuxRubén Rodríguez Pérez Rubén Rodríguez Pérez 8.05 yearsUbuntu LTSdesktop
TurnKey GNU/LinuxAlon Swartz, Liraz SiriTurnKey GNU/Linux Team15.xDebian packages as per Debian; TurnKey packages for life of current major version Debianserver based software appliance library aiming to balance security and ease of use
Ubuntu and DerivativesCanonical Ltd.Canonical Ltd.20.04 LTSStandard releases 1 year, LTS releases 5 years. Flavor LTS releases 3 or 5 years.Debiangeneral, server, desktop, supercomputer, IBM mainframe
Univention Corporate ServerUnivention GmbHUnivention GmbH4.4-4up to 6 months for the free Core Edition; if maintenance is purchased, it's up to 7 years, see:Debianhome, business, and school
UtutoDiego Saravia, Daniel OliveraUTUTO dev teamXS 2012Ututo XS: Gentoo Linux, Ututo UL: Ubuntugeneral
VectorLinuxRobert S. Langedev teamVL 7.22017-08-28Slackwaredesktop
Void LinuxJuan Romero PardinesJuan RP and contributorsRollingRollingIndependent, partially inspired by FreeBSD/NetBSDgeneral
WebconvergerKai HendryWebconverger Limited35.0Debiankiosk software, digital signage
XandrosXandros IncorporatedXandros IncorporatedCorel Linux
ZentyaleBox TechnologieseBox Technologies6.1Debian, Ubuntusmall business server
ZenwalkJean-Philippe Guillemindev teamRolling2018-03-09Slackwaregeneral
Zorin OSZorin GroupZorin Group2009OS 152019-06-05Ubuntugeneral, desktop,windows & mac-like experience
DistributionFounderMaintainerInitial release yearCurrent stable versionSecurity updates Release dateSystem distribution commitmentForked fromTarget audienceCostStatus


The table below shows the default file system, but many Linux distributions support some or all of ext2, ext3, ext4, Btrfs, ReiserFS, Reiser4, JFS, XFS, GFS2, OCFS2, and NILFS. It is possible to install Linux onto most of these file systems. The ext file systems, namely ext2, ext3, and ext4 are based on the original Linux file system.
File systems have been developed by companies to meet their specific needs, by hobbyists, or adapted from Unix, Microsoft Windows, and other operating systems. Linux has full support for XFS and JFS, FAT, and HFS, the main file system for the Macintosh. Support for Microsoft Windows NT's NTFS file system has been developed and is now comparable with other native Unix file systems. CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs' ISO 9660 and Universal Disk Format are supported.
Unlike other operating systems, Linux and Unix allow any file system regardless of the medium it is stored on, whether that medium is a magnetic disk, an optical disk, a USB flash memory key, or even contained within a file located on another file system. Similarly, many C compilers, init systems, desktop environments and window managers are widely supported.
DistributionDefault Linux kernelDefault file systemDefault init systemInstall-time desktop environment or window manager selectionReproducible builds
Alpine Linuxext4openrc none
ALT Linuxext3systemdKDE Plasma Workspaces, Xfce
Arch Linuxnonesystemd none
Bodhi Linuxext4systemdMoksha
CanaimasystemdCinnamon and MATE
Chakraext4systemdKDE Plasma Workspaces
ClearOSext3systemd none
CrunchBang Linuxext4sysvinitOpenbox
Damn Small Linuxext3sysvinitJWM
Debian Built with Linux-libre tools.ext4systemdGNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE
Dragora GNU/Linux-Libreext4runitXfce
Fedoraext4systemdGNOME, Spins for: KDE Plasma Workspaces, Xfce, LXDE, MATE, Cinnamon, Sugar on a Stick
GentoononeopenrcAwesome, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, GNOME, KDE, LXDE-Meta, Openbox, XBMC and Xfce
Guix Systembtrfs, ext4GNU ShepherdGNOME, Xfce, Mate, Enlightenment, i3, ratpoison, xmonad
Hyperbola GNU/Linux-librenoneopenrc
Kali Linuxext3systemdGNOME
LibreCMCext4busybox-init none
Linux Mintext4systemdMATE, Cinnamon, KDE 4, XFCE
Mageiaext4systemdKDE Plasma Workspaces, GNOME
Mandriva Linuxext4systemdKDE Plasma Workspaces
Manjaro LinuxnonesystemdXfce, KDE, GNOME
MEPISext3, ext4sysvinitKDE Plasma Workspaces
Musix GNU+Linuxext4initscriptsLXDE
OpenELECSquashFSshell scriptXBMC Media Center
openSUSEbtrfssystemdKDE Plasma Workspaces, GNOME, Xfce
OpenWrtoverlayfs+SquashFS/JFFS2procd none
Parabola GNU/Linux-librenoneopenrc or systemd none
Pardusext4systemdKDE Plasma Workspaces
PCLinuxOSnonesysvinitKDE Plasma Workspaces, GNOME, LXDE, Xfce, Enlightenment, Openbox
PorteusSquashfs, ext2, ext3, ext4, FAT32, reiser, xfssysvinitKDE, LXDE, Xfce, Openbox, Razor-qt
Puppy LinuxSquashFS containing ext2busybox-initJWM
Red Hat Enterprise LinuxxfssystemdGNOME
Rxart Desktopext3KDE Plasma Workspaces
Sabayon Linuxext4systemdKDE Plasma Workspaces, GNOME
Scientific Linuxext4sysvinit, systemdGNOME
Slackwareext4, ext3, ext2, reiserfs, brtfs, xfssysvinit compatible BSD init scriptsKDE, XFCE Fluxbox, Blackbox, fvwm2 twm
SlaxSquashFSsysvinitKDE Plasma Workspaces
SliTaz GNU/Linuxext3busybox-initOpenbox
Solusext4systemdBudgie, Gnome, MATE
Source Mage GNU/Linuxext2simpleinit-msb none
SUSE Linux Enterprise DesktopbtrfssystemdGNOME
Trisquelext4, xfssystemdGNOME, LXDE
TurnKey GNU/Linuxext4systemdnone - headless server by design; provides Webmin for administration
Ubuntu GNOMEext4systemdGNOME 3
Ubuntu MATEext4systemdMATE
Kubuntuext4systemdKDE Plasma Workspaces
VectorLinuxReiserFSsysvinitKDE, Openbox, Fluxbox, IceWM, Xfce
Void Linuxnonerunit none
Webconvergergitfssysvinitdwm enforcing a Browser-only interface
XBMC Liveext3systemdXBMC Media Center
DistributionDefault Linux kernelDefault file systemDefault init systemInstall-time desktop environment or window manager selectionReproducible builds

Instruction set architecture support

to instruction set architectures other than x86, was an early feature added to the kernel.
Alpine Linux
Arch Linux-
Bodhi Linux-
BOSS Linux-
Dragora GNU/Linux-Libre-
Guix System
Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre
Kali Linux-
LibreCMC XBurst-
Manjaro Linux
Musix GNU+Linux-
Oracle Linux-
Parabola GNU/Linux-libre
Red Flag Linux-
Red Hat Linux-
Red Hat Enterprise Linux



Sabayon Linux-
Scientific Linux-
Source Mage GNU/Linux-
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server-
Trisquel GNU/Linux-
TurnKey GNU/Linux-
Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu, including 64-bit ARMv8-A-
Void Linux-
Yellow Dog Linux-

Package management and installation

Information on features in the distributions. Package numbers are only approximate. Some distributions like Debian tend to separate tools into different packages - usually stable release, development release, documentation and debug. Also counting the source package number varies. For debian and rpm based entries it is just the base to produce binary packages, so the total number of packages is the number of binary packages. For arch based entries, it is additional. E.g. Arch Linux provides 11'000 + 47'000 packages, i.e. 58'000 packages.
DistributionFree software repositoriesApproximate number of pre-compiled packagesApproximate number of source packagesDefault package management toolPackage formatDefault installerGraphical installation processNetinstallNetboot
Alpine Linux8135apk.apksetup-alpine
Arch Linux1099966265 from AURPacman.pkg.tar.zstNone
Bodhi LinuxAPT.dpkgUbiquity
CentOSRPM, yum/up2dateRPMAnaconda
Chakra3074Pacman .pkg.tar.xz
ClearOSRPM, yumRPM
CrunchBang LinuxAPT.deb
Dragora GNU/Linux-Libre484pkgsystem.tlz
Fedora58991 with RPM fusion30681DNF, yum, PackageKitRPMAnaconda
Guix System1316813168Guix.scm,.goguix system init
Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre14494Pacman.pkg.tar.xzNone
Linux MintAPT.debUbiquity
Mageia17283, 11409 8834urpmi, rpmdrakeRPMDrakX
Mandriva Linux22600urpmi, rpmdrakeRPMDrakX
Manjaro LinuxPacman.pkg.tar.xzCalamares
Musix GNU+Linux1819APT.debDebian-Installer
OpenELEC140XBMCbuntu addon manager, own and 3rd party
openSUSE42236 with PackMan34000YaST, ZypperRPMYaST
Parabola GNU/Linux-libre23000Pacman.pkg.tar.xzNone or Calamares
Puppy700PupGet, DotPup.pup,.pet
Red Hat Enterprise Linux3000 RPM, yumRPMAnaconda
Sabayon LinuxPortage, Entropyebuild,.tbz2Calamares
Slackware22927705 from SlackBuildsslackpkgtgz,.txz,.tlz,.tbz
SliTaz GNU/Linux3381Tazpkg.tazpkgtazinst
Source Mage GNU/Linux1188876Sorcery Package Managersrc
SUSE Linux2409411385YaST, ZypperRPMYaST
Tiny Core Linux25160ab, tce-loadtcztc-install, core2usb
Tiny SliTaz50Web sitetazpkg
TurnKey GNU/Linux 21041 APT.debDI-Live
Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu24474APT.debUbiquity
Ututo5000UTUTO Package Managerebuild
Vector Linuxslapt-get, gslapt, installpkgtgz
Void Linux60006719xbps.xbpsncurses script
XBMC LiveAPT.deb
Zenwalk2000netpkg, installpkg, upgradepkgtgz, txz
DistributionFree software repositoriesApproximate number of pre-compiled packagesApproximate number of source packagesDefault package management toolsPackage formatDefault installerGraphical installation processNetinstallNetboot

Live media

Security features