Community Consolidated School District 62 (Illinois)

Community Consolidated School District 62, also known as CCSD62 or District 62, is a school district that serves and is headquartered in Des Plaines, Illinois. The school district consists of 11 schools and an early learning center.
CCSD62 sends their 8th-grade graduates to Maine Township District 207, along with East Maine School District 63, and Park Ridge CCSD 64.


Note: Based on 2017-18 Illinois School Report Cards.

Demographics and Statistics

The student population is composed of being 39.8% White, 4.1% Black, 42.1% Hispanic, 11.3% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 0.2% Native American, and 2.4% Multiracial. The student population also has 41.3% of its students living in low income, 33.6% with limited proficiency in English, and 17% of students with IEPs. Only 0.9% of students are homeless, lower than the state average at 2%.
The school district is made up of 391 teachers, with 86.7% of teachers being White, 6.6% Hispanic, 4.1% Asian, 0.8% American Indian, 0.8% Multiracial, and 0.5% black. The district has a pupil/teacher ratio of 15:1 with 87.7% of teachers identified as Female and 12.3% identified as Male. The average salary of the teacher is $77,682, 79.8% of teachers have a Master's Degree or Higher and 20.2% with a Bachelor's Degree.
The district as a whole has 5 commendable and exemplary schools and 1 underperforming school. The average class size is 20 students and the total school days that the student population experiences is 174 days, just a day short from the state average.


District 62 employs a Board of Education, a superintendent, and an administration to govern the district. The administration assists the superintendent.

Superintendent and Administration

Dr. Paul E. Hertel serves as the Superintendent of Schools, with the administration consisting of assistant superintendents and directors specializing in different services.

Board of Education

The Board of Education is made up of seven members that alternate through four-year terms with elections being held every two years. The Board of Education meet each other on the third Monday of every month or on Tuesday if Monday falls on a holiday. The seven members of the Board of Education includes a president, a vice president, 5 other members and a Secretary to the Board of Education.
