Commercial and industrial loan

A commercial and industrial loan is a loan to a business rather than a loan to an individual consumer. These short-term loans may have an interest rate based on the LIBOR rate or prime rate and are secured by collateral owned by the business requesting the loan.
According to SMB Adviser, the main purpose of a C&I loan is to finance capital expenditures or provide working capital to the borrower. A C&I loan is generally a short-term line of credit or term loan, secured by collateral and cash flow owned by the business requesting the loan.
Debt service coverage requirements for a term or amortizing loan is generally 1.1:1, and is defined as principal payments, plus interest expense, throughout one fiscal year analyzed on a 12-month trailing basis.
Commercial loans are available in 48 states. They are:
  1. Multi-Family Commercial Loan Programs
  2. Mixed-Use Commercial Loan Programs
  3. Office Commercial Loans.
  4. Retail Spaces and Strip Shopping Malls
  5. Industrial Commercial Building