
Colobot is an educational real-time strategy video game featuring 3D graphics, created by Swiss developer Epsitec SA. The objective of the game is to find a planet for colonization by the human race by establishing a basic infrastructure on the surface and eliminating any alien life forms endangering the expedition. The game takes place on the Earth, Moon, and seven fictional planets. The main feature of the game, which makes it educational, is the possibility for players to program their robots using a programming language similar to C++ or Java.

Plot overview

Life on earth is threatened by a devastating cataclysm, forcing mankind to move out and search for a new home. A first expedition composed solely of robots was sent to find another habitable planet. However, for unknown reasons, the mission was a disaster and never returned.
With only a few robots for companions, the player must travel to new planets. Houston, Earth Mission Control as well as a spy satellite will transmit valuable information to the player. The player needs to build the infrastructure necessary to gather raw materials, energy supplies, and produce the weapons necessary to defend themselves. By programming robots, the player can delegate tasks to them, allowing the player to continue their mission while their robots upkeep the base, fight off enemies, harvest materials, and perform any other tasks assigned to them.


In the game, the player explores Earth, Moon and seven fictional planets.
NoLevel's namePlanetCharacteristics
1Leaving EarthEarthThe planet where the game begins.
2On the MoonMoonWhere the previous expedition was last seen.
3On TropicaTropicaTropical planet.
4On CrystaliumCrystaliumA low-temperature planet featuring crystals.
5On SaariSaariDesert planet.
6On VolcanoVolcanoVolcanic planet.
7On CentuaryCentuaryDry planet.
8On OrpheonOrpheonElectric planet.
9On TerranovaTerranovaPlanet similar to Earth.

Language overview

The programming language used in is CBOT, syntactically similar to C++ and Java. Example code for a bot to find a piece of titanium ore and deliver it to a purification facility:

extern void object::FetchTitanium


Epsitec released the games' source code in October 2014 under GNU GPL v3 after being contacted by the Polish game enthusiast community PPC.
ICC & TerranovaTeam was given the source code by Epsitec under the GPLv3 license. Terranova is in the process of updating the game, titled. They are also working on a sequel:, aiming for a Steam release; however, this goal has not been accomplished yet.

Similar games

CeeBot, also made by Epsitec, is a very similar series of games spanning 4 titles.
The game has been recommended by the Polish Ministry of National Education as a teaching aid for learning the basics of algorithms and object-oriented programming.