Collegium Vocale Bydgoszcz

Collegium Vocale Bydgoszcz is a Polish vocal quartet founded in 1992. Its repertoire includes polyphonic mass settings, motets, religious songs, madrigals and secular songs by European 13th to 17th century composers. The ensemble has cooperated with other Polish early music ensembles including Ars Nova, Capella Bydgostiensis, The Pomeranian String Quartet, Trombastic, Canor Anticus as well as with lutenists Magdalena Tomsińska and Henryk Kasperczak. The ensemble has participated in early music festivals of Poland as well as abroad in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Belarus and Italy. The ensemble has made numerous recordings both for Polish Radio and Polish Television.
Since 2009 the quartet consists of soprano Patrycja Cywińska-Gacka, countertenor Janusz Cabała, baritone Łukasz Hermanowicz and baritone Michał Zieliński. Zieliński is also artistic director of the quartet and arranges and composes music for the programmes, occasionally under the pseudonym "Michał z Bydgoszczy" - a pun on the home town of the quartet and the "z" names of renaissance composers such as Mikołaj z Radomia.
