
Coliloquy is a digital publishing house based in San Francisco, which specializes in interactive fiction. Lisa Rutherford and Waynn Lue co-founded the startup in January 2012. Coliloquy has published books from over 40 authors, among them Stephen King, Amy Tan, and Matt Groening.
In 2014 Coliloquy was acquired by Vook, a multimedia book publisher. Vook itself changed its business strategy in 2015 and rebranded itself as Pronoun.

Notable Features

Coliloquy was the second ebook publisher to develop Active Content for the Amazon Kindle. By engaging with specific features of book applications, readers can control the outcome of the narrative. Some titles provide the reader with choice points within the story, allowing the reader to pick path A or B.
Other books allow for readers to participate in the writing of a book.


Most Coliloquy titles are classified as Young Adult, Young Adult Romance, Romance, or Erotica
Children's Books