Coldwater fish

Coldwater fish, in the context of aquariums, refers to fish species that prefer colder water temperatures than
average tropical fish, typically below. Some examples are koi and goldfish. These species tend to grow more slowly and live longer than fish that live in warmer waters, and are generally felt to be easier to keep.
Coldwater fish are fish such as goldfish, koi, and other members of the carp family that are able to survive in cold water temperatures. When kept in a household aquarium, they do not require a heater and are quite comfortable at around 60 °F. These fish are also desirable choices for outdoor ponds and can stand temperatures down to 10 °C.

Freshwater aquarium fish

Note: The above contains a mix of true coldwater fish and sub-tropical fish that can survive and thrive at room temperature which ranges from 15 °C and to 30 °C.

Freshwater pond fish

The term is also used to refer to fish species in the wild, that prefer colder waters.