Cohors I Asturum et Callaecorum

The Cohors I Asturum et Callaecorum was a Roman auxilia unit.


The soldiers of the cohort were recruited from the Asturians and Callaecans in the territory of today's Asturias and Galicia.
The soldiers of the Unit had been granted Roman citizenship at a certain time. However, this did not apply to soldiers who were taken into the unit after this time. They received the Roman citizenship only with their honorable discharge after 25 years of service.
Since there are no inscriptions of milliaria and equitata, so it is to be assumed that it is a pure infantry cohort. The target strength of the unit was 480 men, consisting of 6 centuria with 80 men each.


The first proof of unity in the province of Mauretania Tingitana is based on an inscription found in Volubilis, dated AD 57. Possibly, the cohort was around 60 temporarily in the province of Illyricum
Locations of the cohort in Mauretania Tingitana were:
Commanders included