Coffeeae is a tribe of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae and contains about 303 species in 11 genera. Its representatives are found in tropical and southern Africa, Madagascar, the western Indian Ocean, tropical and subtropical Asia, and Queensland.Genera
Currently accepted names
- Argocoffeopsis Lebrun
- Belonophora Hook.f.
- Calycosiphonia Pierre ex Robbr.
- Coffea L.
- Diplospora DC.
- Discospermum Dalzell
- Empogona Hook.f.
- Nostolachma T.Durand
- Sericanthe Robbr.
- Tricalysia A.Rich. ex DC.
- Xantonnea Pierre ex Pit.
- Paracoffea J.-F.Leroy = Coffea
- Psilanthus Hook.f. = Coffea