Coedcae School
Coedcae School is a comprehensive school in Llanelli, Wales. It has around 1000 pupils. It is for pupils aged from 11–16 years old. The school uniform is black trousers, white shirt and red and gold tie and a black jumper with the school logo. The current head teacher is Tracy Senchal, the school has around 70 teachers.
Coedcae was placed in school quality group 2, 1 being excellent and 5 being poor.
Notable past students include Simon Jones Welsh athlete Dai Greene, Jon Randall. The 2011/2012 school year marked the end of deputy headmaster, Mr Robert Davies', 37 year teaching career as he retired.
2013 saw Coedcae getting a 48% pass rate at GCSEs grade A-C, decreasing in 2014 to a 39% pass rate. This was a drastic improvement from the 49% pass rate in the school year 2010/2011.