The watercolour illustrations contain pictures of the life of the Indians, clothing, customs, and also extensive natural history.
The 20 musical examples
The pieces are mainly short, 2 or 3 minutes each. The order here follows the K617 recording rather than Folio order: 1 Cachua: Al Nacimiento de Christo Nuestro Señor. 2 Tonada: La Brugita, de Guamachuco - i.e. Huamachuco, site of Augustinian missions. 3 Tonada: El Congo. - a 'negro' slave song, reflecting the use of African slaves in the workforce from 1660 4 Tonada: El Tuppamaro de Caxamarca. 5 Tonada del Chimo - i.e. of the Chimú culture, the only surviving song in the extinct Mochica language 6 Dance: Baile del Chimo. Folio 179 7 Tonada: El diamante, de Chachapoias. Folio 187 8 Tonada: La Lata - "the can". 9 Tonada: La Selosa, del pueblo de Lambayeque - "the jealous woman". 10 Tonada: El Conejo. 11 Tonada: El Huicho, de Chachapoyas. 12 Dance: Bayle de danzantes con pifano y tamboril. 13 Tonada: La Donosa. 14 Cachuytade la montaña: "El Vuen Querer" - montaña indicates the lowland east of the mountains. 15 Cachua a duo y a quatro: Al Nacimiento de Christo Nuestro Señor. 16 Lanchas para baylar. Folio 186 - instrumental, the term lancha literally "flat boat, launch for dancing" indicates a dance for fiddle and continuo in quick 3/4 time, and is almost unique to the Codex 17 Tonada: El Tupamaro de Caxamarca. 18 Tonadilla: El Palomo, del pueblo de Lambayeque. 19 Cachua Serranita: El Huicho Nuebo, a Nuestra Señora del Carmen, de la ciudad de Trujillo. Otusco 20 Cachua: La Despedida, de Guamachuco - a cachua for leave-taking.
selection - Al uso de nuestra tierra Música Temprana, Netherlands. Voice of Lyrics 2001, nla.
complete - Codex Martinez Companon, Capilla de Indias, Tiziana Palmiero, Conductor, K617. This is the first recording of the complete 20 pieces.
complete - "Bailes, Tonadas & Cachuas", Songs and dances from Trujillo, Peru, Música Temprana, director: Adrián RodríguezVan der Spoel, 2013. Deuss Music. COBRA0036.
selection - "Son de los diablos" Tonadas afro-hispanas del Peru - DIANA BARONI & Sapukai - Alpha Productions, Les Chants de la Terre 2003 - Alpha 507