Codex Cumanicus

The Codex Cumanicus is a linguistic manual of the Middle Ages, designed to help Catholic missionaries communicate with the Cumans, a nomadic Turkic people. It is currently housed in the Library of St. Mark, in Venice.

Origin and content

It consist of two parts. The first part consists of a dictionary in Latin, Persian and Cuman written in the Latin alphabet, and a column with Cuman verbs, names and pronouns with its meaning in Latin. The second part consists, Cuman-German dictionary, information about the Cuman grammar, and poems belonging to Petrarch.
The first part of Codex Cumanicus was written for practical purposes, which aims to learn languages. The second part was written to spread the Christianity among the Cumans and different quotes from the religious books were given with its Cuman translation. In the same section, there are words, phrases, sentences and about 50 riddles, stories about the life and work of religious leaders.
The Codex likely developed over time. Mercantile, political, and religious leaders, particularly in Hungary, sought effective communication with the Cumans as early as the mid-11th century. As Italian city-states, such as Genoa, began to establish trade posts and colonies along the Black Sea coastline, the need for tools to learn the Kipchak language sharply increased.
The earliest parts of the Codex are believed to have originated in the 12th or 13th century. Substantial additions were likely made over time. The copy preserved in Venice is dated 11 July 1330 on fol. 1r. The Codex consists of a number of independent works combined into one.


The "Cuman Riddles" are a crucial source for the study of early Turkic folklore. Andreas Tietze referred to them as "the earliest variants of riddle types that constitute a common heritage of the Turkic nations." Some of these riddles reached our days practically unchanged in Kazakh language. See examples below.
Among the riddles in the Codex are the following excerpts:
The Codex's Pater Noster reads:
Atamïz kim köktäsen. Alγïšlï bolsun seniŋ atïŋ, kelsin seniŋ xanlïxïŋ, bolsun seniŋ tilemegiŋ – nečik kim köktä, alay yerdä. Kündegi ötmäkimizni bizgä bügün bergil. Daγï yazuqlarïmïznï bizgä bošatqïl – nečik biz bošatïrbïz bizgä yaman etkenlergä. Daγï yekniŋ sïnamaqïna bizni küvürmägil. Basa barča yamandan bizni qutxarγïl. Amen!
Our Father which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have done us evil. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. Amen.
Köktegi äkemiz. Seniń kiyeli esimiń kasterlene bersin. Patcalıgıń osında ornasın! Seniń erkiń kökte orındalganday, jer betinde de orındala bersin! Kündelikti nanımızdı bügin de bere gör. Bizge künä jasagandardı kecirgenimizdey, sen de künälarımızdı kecire gör. Azgırılıwımızga jol bermey, jamandıktan bizdi saktay gör. Äwmin!
Atamız ki göktesin. Alkış olsun senin adın, gelsin senin hanlığın, olsun senin dilediğin – nice ki gökte, öyle de yerde. Bugün, gündelik ekmeğimizi bize ver. Günahlarımızı bağışla – nice ki bağışlarız biz, bize yamanlık edenleri. Ve bizi kötülüğün sınamasından kurtar. Tüm yamandan bizi kurtar. Amin!