Code of Conduct Bureau

Code of Conduct Bureau is an anti-corruption agency in Nigeria. The Code of Conduct Bureau was established in 1979 after thirteen years of military rule during the Second republic of Nigeria. It is the first anti-corruption agency that was setup in Nigeria. Its aim is to battle corruption in the Nigerian public service. The Code of Conduct Bureau is headed by Mohammad Isah.


Code of Conduct Bureau was established in 1979 almost thirteen years after the military rule in Nigeria. It was established alongside the Code of Conduct Tribunal which serves as a special court under the jurisdiction of the Federal High Court which will be used to prosecute public servants that are found guilty of public funds embezzlement among other crimes. The bureau was formed in the Second Republic during the rule of Murtala Mohammed and Olusegun Obasanjo. In 1979, an enumeration of code of conducts was made for public officeholders. The military administration then controlled by General Olusegun Obasanjo inaugurated a board which would oversee the Code of Conduct laid out for public officers hence the formation of the Code of Conduct Bureau before the handing over of power to the civilian government in July 1983.
In 1989, during the reign of the Ibrahim Babangida, the Code of Conduct Bureau officially got its legal backing as it was signed into law by the National Assembly in the Third Republic.

Enabling Law of the Bureau

In 1990, the National Assembly of Nigeria enacted a law that supports the bureau in carrying out its functions. The Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act, Chapter 58 LFN 1990 was enacted giving CCB the decree to establish, maintain and sustain public morality in the conduct of government organizations and to make sure that the behavior of public officers also comply to the highest quality of public morality and accountability.