Cobitis maroccana

Cobitis maroccana is a species of ray-finned fish in the family Cobitidae.


The taxonomy of the Cobitis marrocana is as follows:
The Cobitis marrocana is now recorded to be vulnerable to becoming an endangered species due to the fact that it now has a competitor species called the Lepomis spp. The competition has created a decline in the population of the Cobitis marrocana. Another negative influence that could affect the population as well is the effect of pollution on the habitat of the Cobitis marrocana.


The average size of an unsexed male is about 8 centimeters.


It is found only in Morocco. It is known to be common to the rivers of Loukkos and Sebou, and it is also found in the Atlantic coast of northern Morocco. The climate that it is found in is temperate. It is common to highland and lowland freshwater.


Its natural habitats are rivers and intermittent rivers.