Club 9
Club 9 is a Japanese comedy manga series written and illustrated by Makoto Kobayashi. The 5-volume series was published by Kodansha between April 1992 and February 1994. It was licensed in the USA by Dark Horse Comics. It has 42 chapters. The series is currently out of print, and the company has no plans to renew the license or reprint the series. The entire series was completely translated in the Dark Horse manga anthology magazine Super Manga Blast, from numbers 13 to 55, however only 3 collected volumes were released.Plot
Club 9 centers around a young country girl named Haruo Hattori who is attending university in Tokyo, Japan. She initially lives in her college dorm, but due to circumstances has to move out to an apartment and find a job. When a friend gives her a job as a club hostess at a posh Ginza hostess bar, she finds herself getting more attention than she initially wanted.Characters
;Haruo Hattori
;Aki Shinohara
;Kyosuke Hanazono
Makoto Konbayashi
;Koji Uryu
;Mama & Pa Hattori
;Rumi, Yuki, Kiyoko, & KyokoSummary
;Vol 1
;Vol 2
;Vol 3