
CleanTechnica is a US based website dedicated to aggregating news in clean technology especially sustainable energy and electric cars including those from Tesla.


Within their field of interest CleanTechnica publish stories on a wide range of topics that are cited by main stream media such as Business Insider, Reuters, ThinkProgress, Washington Post, Forbes and Slate. ThinkProgress have also published their stories in full.
In addition to their own stories CleanTechnica publish interviews with notable individuals within clean technology such as fellow at the Post Carbon Institute Richard Heinberg.
In collaboration with the quarterly magazine The Beam Magazine CleanTechnica publish their stories.
Starting in 2015 CleanTechnica have held an annual vote among its readers to select a Car of the Year which has had these winners: Tesla Model X, Chevrolet Bolt, Tesla Model 3, Hyundai Kona EV.


The site director is Zach Shahan, who in 2013 was found by an Appinions Auto Tech Influence Study to be a top 20 influencer in fuel economy with the top three being Elon Musk, the New York Times's John Broder and Barack Obama.
Apart from its own staff CleanTechnica have accepted guest contributions from e.g. then mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom.