Cividate Camuno

Cividate Camuno is an Italian comune of 2,774 inhabitants, in Val Camonica, province of Brescia, in Lombardy.


The territory of Cividate Camuno is bordered by several municipalities: to the east Bienno, on the north Breno and Malegno, to the west Piancogno, and south Esine and Berzo Inferiore.


Originally a Roman town, the Civitas Camunnorum, Cividate Camuno was known as Civethate in the medieval period.
Between 1863 and 1887 Cividate assumed the name "Cividate Alpino", but because of bureaucratic confusion, in 1887 the village re-took the name "Cividate Camuno".

Main sights

The main tourist sights of Cividate Camuno are:
The scütüm are in camunian dialect nicknames, sometimes personal, elsewhere showing the characteristic features of a community. The one which characterize the people of Cividate Camuno is Pàtate, or Maia Hüche.
