City guard

A city guard, city watch, town guard, or town watch was a law enforcement and security formation found in many countries and historical periods, usually subordinate to the local municipal government. Historically many cities had their own guard formations, which doubled as police and military forces in times of need.

Antebellum United States

By the 1830s the American frontier expanded Westwards with Indian wars in the Eastern United States ending. Many states let their unorganised militia lapse in favour of volunteer militia units whom to differentiate themselves between unorganised militia frequently called themselves city guards or national guards. These companies performed functions such as assisting local law enforcement, providing troops for ceremonies and parades or acting as a benevolent social club. The groups of company size were usually uniformed and armed themselves as well as erecting armories through their own contributions. Volunteer units of sufficient size could elect their own officers and apply for a state charter under names that they themselves chose.

Sample companies

With the unification of laws and centralization of state power, such formations became increasingly incorporated into state-run police forces.
The Militia Act of 1903 stipulated all organised militia companies were to be incorporated into the Army National Guard or Naval Militias, some companies managed to remain outside these organisationsp.

City guard in fiction

  • Ankh-Morpork City Watch
  • City Watch of Kings Landing
  • City Watch of Lannisport
  • City Watch of Oldtown