Cinque Ports Fleet

The Cinque Ports Fleet was the a temporary formation of ships supplied to the crown from the Confederation of the Cinque Ports for particular naval expeditions during particular campaigns of the Kingdom of England from 1260 to 1558.
The fleet was commanded by the Admiral of Cinque Ports Fleet also known as the Admiral-in-Chief of the Fleet.


The Cinque Port Fleet was a collective of ships owned by the Confederation of the Cinque Ports that was commanded by the Warden of the Cinque Ports later called the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, he was one of the Wardens of the Coast during the middle ages. It was one of two naval forces that could be drawn upon by the Monarch of England during times of crisis during middle ages. The cinque port fleet was not owned by the King therefore he had to avail of the services of the cinque ports in return for payment. However it was regarded as the primary Royal Fleet of maritime England until at least the beginning of the 15th century. In addition there was a second smaller naval force available to the monarch consisting of ships directly owned by him known as the King's Ships or the Royal Squadron.

In command

Admiral of the Cinque Port Fleet

Incomplete list of post holders:
  1. 1300, Admiral, Gervase Alard.
  2. 1306, Admiral, Gervase Alard.
  3. 1314. Admiral, Sir William de Creye.
  4. 1316-1317, Admiral, Sir Nicholas Kyriel.
  5. 1322-1323, Admiral, Sir Robert Battayle.
  6. 1332, Admiral, Sir Waresius de Valoignes.
  7. 1333-1335, Admiral, Sir William Clinton, Earl of Huntingdon.
  8. 1335-1336, Admirals, Sir John Cobham, 2nd Baron Cobham and Sir Peter Bard..
  9. 1340-1343 Admiral, William Clinton, Earl of Huntingdon.
  10. 1343. Admiral, Sir Walter Manny, 1st Baron Manny.
