The Church of EnglandYouth Council is a body of young Christians from dioceses throughout the Church of England. The council's "core group" committee meets monthly at Church House, Westminster to keep up with current affairs within the Church and in the wider national community of England, to ensure members are available to attend any one-off events in which either the church or young people should be represented and to talk through report of our longer standing seats on councils and committees are spread widely between the north and south of the country and recently has included a member from the Church of England Diocese of Sodor and Man. Regional Youth Councils are also beginning to emerge; the strongest of these is in the Diocese of Derby which holds its own elections for national representatives from the council. CEYC has strong links with members of groups such as FURY, the Methodist Youth Assembly, the Quakers and members of the Evangelical Church in Germany, all of whom are welcome visitors to CEYC meetings. Some members have also had, on occasion, various international opportunities, travelling to such places as New York and Germany. They have attended meetings such as the Ecumenical Youth Council of Europe, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church and, as part of an Anglican Observer group, the United Nations.
The Council's Vision Statement was created when the full council met in Paddington, West London in April 2008. Those present agreed that it would provide a distinctive "way forward" for the organisation to follow and pursue, now and for years to come. A verse from Paul's First Letter to Timothy also now features as part of the CEYC Vision. "Through worship, prayers and the building of friendship, CEYC...actively represents the young people of the Church of England by:
discussing and debating issues impacting on the youth of today
engaging in dialogue with the Church of England and the wider community
It enriches its members by providing the opportunity to:
participate fully within the CEYC community
develop their gifts and callings within the wider context of the church
gain knowledge of the Church of England and the differing traditions and views within it
It actively engages with young people by:
debating issues affecting all young people in order to improve their quality of life
encouraging and supporting young participation at all levels
take action to create change where needed
supporting them in their spiritual journey"
The councils signature Bible Verse is taken from 1 Timothy Chapter 4 Verse 12
The active participation of young people in the management of their own learning and development, and in decision-making process at all levels, lies at the heart of youth work practice. Empowering young people to have a voice has been a challenge for the church at all levels and the creation of CEYC provides a platform from which young people can participate in the life of their local parish and diocese, as well as nationally. The Church can stand alongside other organisations in the way that it approaches young people's participation, but this is an ongoing work and ministry that needs continuous championing and support. Key steps along the way are highlighted on the council's website.