Chung T'ien Television

Chung T'ien Television, is a nationwide cable TV network based in Taiwan. It belongs to Want Want China Times group, which also owns China Television.


Founded in 1994, CTi TV was originally called the Chinese Television Network. CTN had two main channels, Chung Tien and Da Di. On January 30, 1997, ownership switched from P.H. Yu, the current chairman of Nan Hai Corporation Limited, to the Koos Group. In 2000, ownership changed once again from KG Group to the Wisdom Group, which, at the time, also operated China Television. Hsiang Shan merged CTN with CTV Satellite to form Power TV. As part of Power TV, CTV Satellite became Chung T'ien Entertainment, while CTN's Chung Tien split up into Power TV News and Power TV Variety. Power News eventually changed its name to Chung T'ien Information, which then became Chung T'ien Main in January 2004. After the He Hsin-Hsiang Shan ownership transfer, Da Di was granted some degree of autonomy as Da Di Television; however, Da Di eventually became part of Videoland Television Network, and changed its name to the Videoland Drama Channel. In June 2002, ownership of Power TV changed once again from Hsiang Shan to the China Times; Power TV changed its name to present-day Chung T'ien Television.
In July 2019 CTiTV was fined NTD 1.6 million by the National Communications Commission for failing to verify information before broadcasting it. CTiTV has a history of failing to verify information before broadcast.
In November 2019 William Wang, a PRC spy who defected to Australia, claimed that CTi-TV had received Chinese funding in return for airing stories unfavorable of the Taiwanese government. The Want Want China Times Group denied these allegations.
In January 2020 they were fined NT$600,000 for broadcasting a false statement by KMT Tainan City Councilor Hsieh Lung-chieh. The regulator found that CTiTV's journalist had failed to question or ask for evidence at the time and that CTiTV had failed to do any fact verification regarding the statement before broadcasting it.


CTI TV offers three main channels, as well as an International channel for viewers living outside of the island of Taiwan.