Christine Caine

Christine Caine is an Australian activist, evangelist, author, and international speaker. Caine and her husband Nick are best known for founding The A21 Campaign in 2008, a 501 non-profit, non-governmental organization that combats human trafficking. In 2015, Caine founded Propel Women, an organization that aims to honor the calling of every woman, empower her to lead, equip her for success, and develop a sense of God-given purpose. Caine has written several books, including "A Life Unleashed", "Run to Win", "Can I Have It All, Please?", "The Core Issue", "Undaunted", "Unstoppable", "Unashamed", "Unshakeable," and "Unexpected," released in May 2018. She is active in speaking about her passion for God, the local church, and justice at conferences and other events across the globe.

Early life and education

Christine Caine was adopted at birth by Greek Orthodox immigrants who raised her in public commission housing in Lalor Park, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. She attended Lynwood Park Public School and Blacktown Girls High School. She graduated from University of Sydney with a degree in English. Caine also attended and graduated from Hillsong College in 1992.


Caine married Nick Caine in 1996. They have two children.


Caine grew up in the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia. She first volunteered as a youth worker, when she helped establish Hills District Youth Service. She went on to become the director of a nationwide youth ministry, Youth Alive. In 2008 Christine founded the A21 Campaign with her husband Nick, who is now the CEO of A21 and pastor of Zoe Churches. A21 is a 501 non-profit, non-governmental organization which fights to "abolish slavery everywhere, forever". With 12 offices in 11 countries, their aim is to prevent human trafficking through awareness, to protect trafficked victims in their shelters and transition homes, to prosecute traffickers and strengthen the legal response to human trafficking, and to partner with law enforcement, individuals, corporations, official bodies, and other non-governmental organizations to end human trafficking in the 21st century.
In January 2015, Caine founded Propel Women, an organization that believes in the passion, purpose, and potential of every woman everywhere. Propel Women exists to honor the calling of every woman, empower her to lead, equip her for success, and develop a sense of God-given purpose.
Caine has also been featured on several international television shows, including TBN's Praise the Lord, The James Robison Show, Joyce Meyer's Enjoying Everyday Life, and Joni Lamb, and is a Women of Faith speaker. In October 2016, TBN launched a weekly TV show featuring Caine called, "Equip & Empower".
