Christine Arnothy

Christine Arnothy was a Budapest-born French writer. She has written numerous books, including J'ai quinze ans et je ne veux pas mourir . She married Claude Bellanger.
J'ai quinze ans et je ne veux pas mourir is based on her diary, which recorded her experience as a teenager during the 1945 siege of Budapest. She fled Hungary with her parents. When she arrived in France, her diary was the only possession she still had. The book was reviewed in Harper's Magazine in 1956. It received good reviews also from The Daily Express, The New York Times,Herald Tribune, San Francisco Examiner, Chicago Sunday Tribune and The Times.
She later published a sequel, It Is Not So Easy to Live, a second part which does not come from her journal but from her memory; she chronicles her escape via Vienna to Paris, where she eventually settled and married. She also wrote several detective stories under the pseudonym William Dickinson, among other books.