Christian Scholars Group

The Christian Scholars Group is group of about 20 Christian scholars, theologians, historians and clergy from various Christian denominations which works to "develop more adequate Christian theologies of the church's relationship to Judaism and the Jewish people."

A Sacred Obligation

The group issued a statement in September 2002, "", which states, in part:

10 positions

The ten positions, in brief, are:
  1. God's covenant with the Jewish people endures forever.
  2. Jesus of Nazareth lived and died as a faithful Jew, see also Historical Jesus.
  3. Ancient rivalries must not define Christian-Jewish relations today.
  4. Judaism is a living faith, enriched by many centuries of development.
  5. The Bible both connects and separates Jews and Christians.
  6. Affirming God's enduring covenant with the Jewish people has consequences for Christian understandings of salvation.
  7. Christians should not target Jews for conversion.
  8. Christian worship that teaches contempt for Judaism dishonors God.
  9. We affirm the importance of the land of Israel for the life of the Jewish people.
  10. Christians should work with Jews for the healing of the world.