Christian Poulsen (chess player)

Christian Poulsen was a Danish chess master.
Poulsen worked on a farm in Denmark from the age of seven with his brothers, and never attended any kind of formal schooling. At a young age, he helped with efforts to make the usually infertile land of Jutland suitable for farming. He married a Swedish women with the last name of Hallgren, and had a son with her, who took the name of Øjvin Hallgren.
He won twice in Danish Chess Championship, and thrice shared 1st but lost playoff matches for the title in 1939, 1940, and 1951.
Poulsen represented Denmark in 3rd unofficial Chess Olympiad at Munich 1936, and five times in official Chess Olympiads. He also played in several friendly matches; Scandinavia vs. Germany, Denmark vs. Norway, and Denmark vs. Sweden.
He tied for 5-6th at Beverwijk 1951, and tied for 4-5th at Viborg Jubilee 1957.