Christ the King Priory

Christ the King Priory is a monastery of Benedictine monks located north of Schuyler, Nebraska, United States. It is a simple priory of the Congregation of Missionary Benedictines of Saint Ottilien, part of the Benedictine Confederation.


The priory was established in 1935 by the Abbey of Münsterschwarzach, Germany, in order to secure the survival of the congregation's missionary work during the Nazi regime.
In 1979, a new monastery building was constructed north of Schuyler, built into the rolling hills. The structure was designed and completed by the architects Astle and Ericson. In 1985, the monastery was raised to the status of a simple priory.
Today the Benedictine Mission House serves as development office in the United States for the Missionary Benedictines around the world.
In 1997, Christ the King Priory expanded its ministries and opened its 100-bed St. Benedict Center as a non-profit, ecumenical retreat and conference center.