In algebraic geometry, the Chow group of a stack is a generalization of the Chow group of a variety or scheme to stacks. For a quotient stack, the Chow group of X is the same as the G-equivariant Chow group of Y. A key difference from the theory ofChow groups of a variety is that a cycle is allowed to carry non-trivial automorphisms and consequently intersection-theoretic operations must take this into account. For example, the degree of a 0-cycle on a stack need not be an integer but is a rational number.
develops the basic theory for the Chow group of a Deligne–Mumford stack. There, the Chow group is defined exactly as in the classical case: it is the free abelian group generated by integral closed substacks modulo rational equivalence. If a stack X can be written as the quotient stack for some quasi-projective varietyY with a linearized action of a linear algebraic groupG, then the Chow group of X is defined as the G-equivariant Chow group of Y. This approach is introduced and developed by Dan Edidin and William A. Graham, as well as Burt Totaro. later extended the theory to a stack admitting a stratification by quotient stacks. For higher Chow groups of algebraic stacks, see Roy Joshua's Intersection Theory on Stacks:I and II.
The calculations depend on definitions. Thus, here, we proceed somehow axiomatically. Specifically, we assume: given an algebraic stackX locally of finite type over a base fieldk,
for each integral substack Z of dimension < p,, a corollary of a localization sequence.
These properties are valid if X is Deligne–Mumford and are expected to hold for any other reasonable theory. We take X to be the classifying stack, the stack of principal G-bundles for a smooth linear algebraic groupG. By definition, it is the quotient stack, where * is viewed as the stack associated to * = Spec k. We approximate it as follows. Given an integer p, choose a representation such that there is a G-invariant open subsetU of V on which G acts freely and the complement has codimension. Let be the quotient of by the action. Note the action is free and so is a vector bundle over. By Property 1 applied to this vector bundle, Then, since, by Property 2, since. As a concrete example, let and let it act on by scaling. Then acts freely on. By the above calculation, for each pair of integers n, p such that, In particular, for every integer p ≥ 0,. In general, for the hyperplane class h, k-times self-intersection and for negative k and so where the right-hand side is independent of models used in the calculation For, the class, any n, may be thought of as the fundamental class of. Similarly, we have where is the first Chern class of h. Since, we have that is the free -module generated by.