Chorthippus albomarginatus

Chorthippus albomarginatus, the lesser marsh grasshopper, is a common grasshopper of European grassland both damp-marshy and dry, including salt-marsh and coastal habitats.


The range of the lesser marsh grasshopper extends from Finland and southern Scandinavia in the north to Spain and Italy in the south. It was once present only in the southern parts of the UK but has been expanding its range northwards.

Physical appearance

Females grow to approximately and are larger than males that grow to approximately. The female almost always has a longitudinal white stripe on the wing whereas the male rarely does.
The region behind the head is referred to as the "pronotal side-keels" and the bars are approximately parallel in this species. Although quite similar, it can be distinguished from the meadow grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus, which also has straight pronotal side-keels, by a number of characteristics. These include its ability to fly, white stripe on female's wing, and more pointed snout. It often tends to be less brightly coloured and more straw-brown than Chorthippus parallelus.
Both sexes can be extremely variable in colour from green to brown.

Song and reproduction

The song is very similar to Chorthippus brunneus, though perhaps a little slower, with 2–6 chirps each lasting approximately half a second. There can be an 'alternation song' between competing males. Females lay eggs at the base of grass blades.