Chop Socky Chooks

Chop Socky Chooks is a British-Canadian computer-animated series produced by Aardman Animations, Decode Entertainment, and Cartoon Network Europe that ran on Cartoon Network from 7 March 2008 until 24 July 2009. It was created and directed by Sergio Delfino, a prominent animator at Sony Pictures Imageworks.
The show previously aired in Eastern Europe on Cartoon Network, in the United States on Cartoon Network and in Canada on Teletoon. The name is from "chop socky", which is slang for the Asian martial arts film genre, and "chook", which is an Australian and New Zealand slang reference for a chicken.


The show is about a trio of kung fu fighting chickens who live and work in a city-sized shopping mall owned by their archenemy, Dr. Wasabi.


The Chop Socky Chooks



gave the show 2 out of 5 stars, complaining the show was too violent for children.