China Tibetology Research Center

The China Tibetology Research Center is an academic research organization in Beijing, China devoted to the study of Tibet. It studies all aspects of Tibet including subjects related to everyday life in Tibetan areas.


The China Tibetology Research Center was founded in Beijing on May 20, 1986.


Five research institutes comprise the scholarly core of the Chinese Tibetology Research Center. They are:
Additionally, the Center also manages the China Tibetology Publishing House, the Kanjur and Tanjur Collation Bureau, the Beijing Tibetan Medical Center, the China Tibetology press and the Center’s Library.


International collaboration and academic exchange are key activities of the Chinese Tibetology Research Center. The Center has successfully held three international seminars for Tibetan studies. In 2001, about 220 scholars from 14 countries attended the Beijing International Seminar for Tibetan Studies. Since the year 2000, the Center has hosted about 230 scholars, diplomats and journalists from 40 countries.

Position on 2008 Tibetan unrest

The regional government of Tibet is quoted: "There has been enough evidence to prove that the recent sabotage in Lhasa was 'organised, premeditated and masterminded' by the Dalai clique," as published by the Xinhua news agency, citing the Tibet government.
Maureen Fan of the Washington Post on March 27, 2008 wrote,
In 2016 John Powers wrote about 2008's "unprecedented levels of protest" and that "On March 7, 2009, Wang Xiaobin, a scholar at the China Tibetology Research Centre, told foreign reporters: 'We think the Dalai Lama is the reason for the riots in Tibet... and the Dalai Lama is a card, a chip in a wider diplomatic struggle.... If there was no intervention by the West, there would be no Tibet issue at all. The Tibet issue is a creation of the USA.' "