China National Democratic Construction Association

The China National Democratic Construction Association , also China Democratic National Construction Association, also known by its Chinese abbreviation Minjian, is one of the eight legally recognised political parties in the People's Republic of China that follow the direction of the Communist Party of China and are members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. It was founded in Chongqing in 1945 by the Vocational Education Society, a former member of the China Democratic League.
Its vice chairperson Rong Yiren served as the third Vice President of China under the 4th Constitution of the People's Republic of China from 1993 to 1998.
Members are chiefly entrepreneurs from the manufacturing, financial, or commercial industries in both private and state sectors. The chairman of CDNCA is Chen Changzhi, the former vice-minister of the Ministry of Supervision.


  1. Huang Yanpei
  2. Hu Juewen
  3. Sun Qimeng
  4. Cheng Siwei
  5. Chen Changzhi
  6. Hao Mingjin