China–Australia Migratory Bird Agreement

The China–Australia Migratory Bird Agreement is a treaty between Australia and China to minimise harm to the major areas used by migratory birds which migrate between the two countries. CAMBA was first developed on October 20, 1986 and came into force on September 1, 1988. Eighty-one bird species are listed in the agreement, as per the table below.
No.Common nameSpecies name
1Streaked shearwaterPuffinus leucomelas
2Sooty shearwaterPuffinus griseus
3Leach's storm-petrelOceanodroma leucorhoa
4White-tailed tropicbirdPhaethon lepturus
5Red-footed boobySula sula
6Brown boobySula leucogaster
7Great frigatebirdFregata minor
8Andrew's frigatebird / Christmas frigatebirdFregata andrewsi
9Least frigatebird / Lesser frigatebirdFregata ariel
10Western cattle egret & Cattle egretBubulcus ibis
11Great egretEgretta alba
12Eastern reef egret / Pacific reef heronEgretta sacra
13Yellow bitternIxobrychus sinensis
14Glossy ibisPlegadis falcinellus
15GarganeyAnas querquedula
16Northern shovelerAnas clypeata
17White-bellied sea-eagleHaliaeetus leucogaster
18Sarus craneGrus antigone
19Red-legged crakeRallina fasciata
20Corn crakeCrex crex
21Pheasant-tailed jacanaHydrophasianus chirurgus
22Painted snipe / Greater painted snipeRostratula benghalensis
23Grey ploverPluvialis squatarola
24Lesser golden plover / American golden ploverPluvialis dominica
25Ringed plover / Common ringed ploverCharadrius hiaticula
26Little ringed ploverCharadrius dubius
27Mongolian plover / Lesser sand ploverCharadrius mongolus
28Large sand-plover / Greater sand ploverCharadrius leschenaultii
29Caspian ploverCharadrius asiaticus
30Little curlew & Eskimo curlewNumenius borealis
31Whimbrel / Eurasian whimbrelNumenius phaeopus
32Eurasian curlewNumenius arquata
33Eastern curlew / Far Eastern curlewNumenius madagascariensis
34Black-tailed godwitLimosa limosa
35Bar-tailed godwitLimosa lapponica
36Redshank / Common redshankTringa totanus
37Marsh sandpiperTringa stagnatilis
38Greenshank / Common greenshankTringa nebularia
39Wood sandpiperTringa glareola
40Common sandpiperTringa hypoleucos
41Grey-tailed tattler & Wandering tattlerTringa incana
42Terek sandpiperXenus cinereus
43Ruddy turnstoneArenaria interpres
44Asian dowitcherLimnodromus semipalmatus
45Latham's snipeCapella hardwickii
46Pin-tailed snipeCapella stenura
47Swinhoe's snipeCapella megala
48Red knotCalidris canutus
49Great knotCalidris tenuirostris
50Red-necked stintCalidris ruficollis
51Long-toed stintCalidris subminuta
52Sharp-tailed sandpiperCalidris acuminata
53DunlinCalidris alpina
54Curlew sandpiperCalidris ferruginea
55SanderlingCrocethia alba
56Broad-billed sandpiperLimicola falcinellus
57RuffPhilomachus pugnax
58Red-necked phalaropePhalaropus lobatus
59Grey phalarope / Red phalaropePhaloropus fulicarius
60Oriental pratincoleGlareola maldivarum
61Pomarine jaegerStercorarius pomarinus
62White-winged ternChlidonias leucoptera
63Black ternChlidonias niger
64Caspian ternHydropogne tschegrava
65Common ternSterna hirundo
66Black-naped ternSterna sumatrana
67Bridled ternSterna anaethetus
68Little ternSterna albifrons
69Lesser crested ternThalasseus bengalensis
70Common noddy / Brown noddyAnous stolidus
71Oriental cuckoo / Himalayan cuckooCuculus saturatus
72White-throated needletailHirundapus caudacutus
73Fork-tailed swift / Pacific swiftApus pacificus
74Barn swallowHirundo rustica
75Greater striated swallow / Striated swallowHirundo striolata
76Yellow wagtail / Western yellow wagtailMotacilla flava
77Yellow-headed wagtail / Citrine wagtailMotacilla citreola
78Grey wagtailMotacilla cinerea
79White wagtailMotacilla alba
80Great reed-warblerAcrocephalus arundinaceus
81Arctic willow warbler / Arctic warblerPhylloscopus borealis